Urban League of Rochester

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An Open Letter to the Rochester Community in Response to the AMR Video Release

Dear Community Members,

In these challenging times, our shared values and commitment to justice come to the forefront as we address an incident that demands our collective attention and action. Urban League of Rochester extends its gratitude to Mayor Evans for his dedication to transparency in unveiling a distressing video that depicts the denial of care to a fellow human being.

This incident, reminiscent of the tragic events surrounding Daniel Prude's death, urgently underscores the critical need for sustained efforts to address systemic issues and inhumane practices within our community. As the appointed champion to advance the recommendations of the RASE Commission, Urban League of Rochester stands resolute in its role as a civil rights and advocacy organization, demanding swift and decisive action, accountability, and justice.

Here we find ourselves again, grappling with the haunting echoes of the plea "I can't breathe" becoming a mantra for Black men in our community. We stand at a critical juncture, emphasizing the absolute necessity of maintaining momentum in our pursuit of justice and reform. Complacency in the face of incidents such as this perpetuates a cycle that endangers more lives. The cycle must end!

The recent video, depicting a person, a human, another black body on the ground—seemingly overlooked and invisible by those charged to protect us—serves as a poignant reminder that our work is far from done. This is a call to action that surpasses mere speeches and rhetoric; it demands tangible, transformative measures that bring about genuine change.

On behalf of the community, we demand answers. We expect a swift, transparent investigation and hold our leaders accountable to present an immediate, comprehensive plan for change. The results of the investigation must provide clarity, as there are no excuses to justify the denial of medical care to anyone in distress.

The man in the video was a human, someone's child, a neighbor, and a member of our community. He deserved to be treated with compassion and humanity in his time of need, not to be lectured about his behavior. Our sincerest condolences go out to his family and friends.

Urban League of Rochester stands with Mayor Evans in his call for accountability. We encourage all first responders to invest in equity and justice training to be better prepared to work with the diverse members and situations in this community. We expect all involved parties, first responders, and the community to join us in this commitment. We must prioritize working together to build a community where every individual is treated with dignity, compassion, and receives prompt medical care.

Our stance cannot be business as usual. We expect a different outcome. Our children are watching!

In unwavering commitment and anticipation of change,
On behalf of the staff of Urban League of Rochester,

Dr. Seanelle Hawkins
President and CEO
Urban League of Rochester